Wednesday, October 29, 2008

i am not a silent tear that fades away silently. my blood has the energy of the big bang, and it coaxes me, urges me, forces me, into things beyond mundane concepts of imagination...
my life isn't at a dead end. i bash through walls, crash through fences, i stop only when i mean to, and not when the end of the road approaches...
my end justifies my means. I do not bother to look at the milestones, they are too insignificant for me, i believe in the highlight of the curtains falling...


Wings clipped,

shadows ripped,

flight disturbed,

life perturbed.

times turned,

life churned,

winds roared,

spirits soared.


I think about you and I feel you,
You are to me tender and inspiring,
But elusive as well,
Like a lovely song, but half-remembered,
I try to hum the melody,
But the lyrics keep slipping away,
I wish to give you flowers,
But then they too wither,
Maybe walk with you in the rain,
Gaze at your smile,
And the twinkle in your eyes,
I try to keep myself logical,
But you are a flash of lightning,
Zinging in one direction a moment,
Then zapping in another the next,
I only can see reversals of order,
Chaos, underlined with jagged peaks
Of beauty and awe-inspiring audacity,
I wish to perceive you,
But I fail utterly,
And I am now only pieces
Waiting to be gathered,
Scattered in your aura of brilliance
Like drops of water on windshields.
