My sister, Anita Menon, is an avid blogger (read blog here) and writer. She is part of a Creative Writing Group in Bahrain, where she resides with her husband and daughter. One of the exercises she worked on during one writing workshop was to write poetry which only has alliteration. That is, for the noobs in English grammar, every word has to start with the same letter.
She suggested I try this with the letter C and the letter D.
So here goes:
Curiosity creates confusion.
Clearly considered certainties can come conflicted,
Crude clues conceptualize conclusively,
Conceiving conjured creations,
Collapsing complex castles,
Carefully clawing close,
Compounding complications,
Concepts convolute,
Causing contemporary convictions.
Does dejection destroy devotion?
Darlings devastate destinies
During dating,
Directly denying devotees' desires,
Devastating, divulging,
Debasing, degrading, divorcing.
Does delving deep deign dignity?
Demeaning deference,
Doubting devotion,
Destroying dedication,
Deepening distrust,
Deserting deliberation.
Do diminutive dimensions define democracy?
Dealers dealing decisions debate,
Drawing deductions,
Deciding destinies,
Defining days,
Directing death.
I will try this for as many letters as I can in the English alphabet. Fingers crossed, I should be able to do atleast 15 letters out of the 26.
Wish me luck. :-)
- Vinaykrishnan.