People change. Their needs, wants, desires, all change.
I remember how, when I was younger, I wanted to be single all my life. I know everyone feels it at some point of time. I felt it till quite recently, just about over a year back, when I absolutely wanted to be single and enjoy the "good life" - roaming around with friends, having late-night parties, not giving a thought to tomorrow. Living in the moment and living it up with no regrets seemed to be a good motto to live by for a 26-something bachelor.
And now, today, I cannot wait to get married to this wonderful woman I met just after this I-want-to-stay-single-all-my-life phase. No, let me rephrase that. I met this wonderful woman who made me feel like I wanted to give up the I-want-to-stay-single-all-my-life phase. I wanted to be married. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to have her in my life to hold on to. I wanted someone in my life that I could call my own and my only and mine only. She happened to be everything I wanted - impulsive yet practical, short-tempered yet understanding, childish yet child-like. And extremely beautiful, intelligent, mature and kind. She and I shared a million habits and likes and dislikes, and yet were poles apart in others. I began to understand that being single was no longer my most coveted desire. On the contrary, I wanted to be with this woman so fast that I felt my knees buckle under the sheer pining that I felt for her.
The way I fell in love, and the way in which it was reciprocated, not left unrequited - it was amazing. It still is, the way I always get this huge smile, no, grin on my face when I think about how lucky I am to be marrying You, Nishtha.
- Vinaykrishnan.