Thursday, November 8, 2012

Such a Thorn

It's still is under the skin,
Pricks away at the flesh.
Doesn't do much, just stays there till it's not troubled. 
But then you dig your fingernails into the skin, 
To remove it,
And it hurts.
It wiggles inside. 
Like a parasite, it refuses to leave you.
You think,
"Let's just leave it there, it'll come out on its own."

But it doesn't go away. 

You think,
"I'll forget it with time, time heals everything."

But you never forget.

Days pass into weeks, and months and years,
Yet this thorn doesn't come out. 
It hurts - not all the time - but it's there.

Sometimes a flashing pang, a shocking pain, a startling revelation, 
Sometimes softer.
A nagging idea at the back of the mind.

Love is such a thorn.

- Vinaykrishnan.

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