Monday, September 19, 2011


i used to dream in black and white and shades of grey in between.
but then You happened to my life.
now i dream in colours.

i have no place to go now except sit on the floor lit by scattered rays of light.
You are the source of light.
and now i can see.

i always prayed for the waves of this city to wash me away to anywhere but here.
but You rode on a wave and came to me.
now You are my rock.

i used to think that i had it all figured out and could put it all in words.
but You showed me how to unlearn words.
now i can put stories in empty spaces.

ever so often i would lose the point and purpose of my mundane existence here.
but You told me what i meant to this world.
now You are my world.

between all my quirks and oddities and vices, i wondered what my biggest failure was.
now You have taught me to look at the bright side.
and now You are my biggest attainment.

kept falling into a mental abyss of nebulous miasma, spiralling rapidly to being burnt away to ashes.
but You came along and saved me.
now i am drenched in Your love.

thank You. for everything.

- vinaykrishnan

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Natural Order

Everything already destroyed, 
Relive death,
The point before the end,
Collapsing after that,
Knowing the end is near,
Loving while living,
Enjoying the full blooms of the gardens,
Procreating, marrying, falling in love,
That childhood fantasizing and day dreaming,
The warm bosom of the mother,
The umbilical cord,

From rockets and the internet
To swords and trebuchets,
Crusades and proselytization,
The mighty Romans.
The Mahabharata and the Ramayana. 

Wheel and fire.

To devolution and degeneration
And dinosaurs ruling the earth. 
And millions of years beyond.
Till it all ends with a Big Bang.

The chimerical void after that.

- Vinaykrishnan.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Of Promiscuous Recipients and Traveling Boners

I truly believe that no two People are identical.

However, there are two types of people that I really admire.

First, those who receive and absorb everything. They are ready to be taken to bed by anything and everything that comes their way. Learning the ways of the world is the easiest for these people as they readily assimilate all that comes their way. They prostitute their mind for everything that they come across, no matter how useless or trivial. They comprehend, consume, swallow and suck it all in.

I like to think of these people as the Promiscuous Recipients.

Secondly, those people roam the world and are up for anything. They are ready to do absolutely anything that they feel is worth it. Nothing lazy about these people, always up for a challenge. They learn by doing, not be receiving, unlike the Promiscuous Recipients. Always traveling in search of newer shores to explore, these are the go-getters of every age. Those who stood up to the opportunity of seeing the world and grabbed it with both hands. 

These people, I like to think of as the Traveling Boners. 

Everyone has a little of both in them. I know how much I have of each. What about you?

- Vinaykrishnan.