Thursday, July 22, 2010

When you are listening...

Ask away to oblivion,
And for the pearls of attention
That your eyes give me when I answer,
I could speak for eternities…

When you are listening,
I want to be articulate.
I usually am not verbose,
Taciturn was my middle name.

But when you are listening,
I could speak until I run out of breath.
I could ramble on for eons
On things immaterial, and longer for things that matter,

I could reach an array of subjects,
I could flit from topic to topic
Like a nomad wandering from one abode to another,
And keep at it forever when you are listening

But now that reality strikes me again,
And frees me from dreaming,
I realise, that when you are listening,
I usually go speechless.

Your eyes make me feel as though
The world would break down
If I said something stupid
When you are listening.

I am only scared when talking to you
Fear of saying something foolish,
I guess, I would rather just stay shut
When you are listening.

- Vinaykrishnan.

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