Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I can feel the whorls of your fingertips that glide over my chest, stopping at random points, like an overture to an orchestra. My heart beats faster when you cuddle up closer and whisper sensuous nothings into my ear, and i can feel your lips next to my face. Your breath, coming in prurient gasps, is a melody to my senses, and it impels me to hold you tighter to me. I cannot resist the intensity of your gaze, that does not for a moment stray from me, or the way your legs lock around me, entangling and ensnaring me in your web of amorous avidity. The way your moist, warm skin, brushes against mine, titillating me in every possible manner, is something I can not even put to words. How your stomach that flutters at each touch of my hands, the navel jiving to a feverish rhythm, can simply freeze time. The standstill, the profoundness of the moment before we kiss is something that I can only treasure and pray for. The way your lips touch me and pique my senses to make me want more is inexplicable. I do all I can to resist this frenzy. But I get swept away, to a place that makes no sense at all, and yet everything is lucid and perfect. The yen for owning you, and possessing you, and being one with your body is so fierce, it shocks me to my core. It's like taking that first breathe of air that fills your lung with racking pain, when you emerge from within an icy cold lake of water. But I would brave a thousand such pangs of pain, a million in fact, if it brings me but one moment of pure joy and love with you. You are the only feeling I have. You are the only motion I desire. You are the only repose I need.

 - Vinaykrishnan.

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