Friday, February 25, 2011

My Personal Pleasure

Compulsive Blogging? Never heard of it. I've only done two blogs a day, that too one day of my life. TODAY. But they say the joy of blogging, putting down everything on the internet for the world to see, is something that is addictive. Like cocaine. You just can't stop. I think I can't get addicted though. The reason is simple. Lack of people's criticism on my blogging. I have not publicised my blog to too many people. Only some friends, and my family. Well, I do get the occasional post on Facebook for my efforts. But really, not one person has ever said that a post of mine was TOTAL CRAP. And I find a lot of my posts to be truckloads of bullshit. Like this one that I'm writing right now. A two-tonne truckload of mindless rambling about things that nobody would EVER read, or want to read themselves, or want others to read.

But then I think to myself, that maybe, MAYBE, I'm only writing for my own pleasure. Of course you can argue that I am saying this as no one does read too much of me. Sour grapes, is the expression that comes to mind. But personally, I really do think I write only for MY OWN reading pleasure. When I do write something for someone, I always make it a point to tell them that that particular post is for them to read, or is something they would like to read, or is a DEDICATION to them.

But I guess, this, like all my previous posts, is just another straw of grass in the wind. It will dry out too someday. And something new would take it's place. Maybe another blade of grass. Maybe an oak tree.

Till we find out what that new thing is, I'll just keep writing for my personal pleasure.

- Vinaykrishnan.

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