Saturday, February 12, 2011


Nothing that can separate me from Your embrace,
Every breath of mine now resounds with Your Name,
I walk only the path that leads me to You,
Not a hurdle large enough to deter my steps.

Like the musk-deer, haunted by it's own fragrance,
I travelled amidst the trivial searching You,
Only to realize now that none other Your Abode
Than within my own self.

Not one worth knowing, except You,
No one's but Your Eyes worth looking at,
Nothing captivates me more now,
Not even the mirror showing my reflection.

Pale is all the world's grandeur
Against the aura of Your Presence,
And nothing more I wish than to stay in your warmth,
In Your unbridled, unadulterated and pure Love.

I am only Yours,
Undoubtedly, Unequivocally, Unabashedly.

- Vinaykrishnan.

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