Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Orkut "About Me" section

I am now starting to realise, that people don't read this to know about the person writing them... but to actually find out if what is written is cool or not... if it is, then i am a social champion... else, i am an outcast...

so, if not for anything else, then for the sake of allowing humanity to be proud of being shunned, i have decided to be an outcast and not write any thing cool over here... you guys need to decide if you still wish to follow this norm of judgement, or whether to take things and people as they are, and not as you want them to be...

Also, what is it with my generation nowadays??? Everyone wants to be pessimistic and depressed... All going around with tags like "Immortally insane", "Numb darkness", "Sorrowed Life"... i mean, WTF?!?! Guys, relax... life is shitty... deal with it instead of going into bouts of depression.... it's almost as if you are out of place if you are not one among the emotionally and mentally insane/deprived/fucked up.... as if you have to have this tag stuck across your face which makes people think/know/realize that you are all fucked up inside... Why are there no more Happy Young People???

I believe I can fly to heights hitherto unachieved. But as of now, as of today, this point of time, I just ain't there yet... Right now, Luck is a whore who does not like the smell of my money...

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