Saturday, January 30, 2010

To Be Yours

Make me the love of your life,
I pray, everyday.
Sometimes though, I do lose hope,
I know that you are not mine to be.
But still sometimes I wish and I dream,
That life itself convinces you to be mine.
If at the end all else fails,
At least make me an illusion of your fantasies
As I have made you in mine.
At least that would then force you
To sense me every time you put pen to paper,
Or your lyrics to music.
That way I would always be yours,
And always live in your words and your song,
And wistfully smile at myself,
For not trying hard enough,
Or for trying too hard.

- Vinaykrishnan


Vivek said...

how beautifully u end it with yet another vague thought hanging at the other person forcing him/her to retrospect.....and u end up occupying ur desired space in their heart and mind....NICE!

Vinaykrishnan said...

thnk u thnk u.... :)