Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Hero (part IV)

Heroism, I had heard, was not only about courage or strength. Intelligence was a key factor too. Choosing your battles was as important as fighting them.

This time, I knew I had to be on my alert as I try to pull this off. Nothing fancy. Just trusting luck to do it's thing. Usually, with me, Lady Luck never liked the color of my gold coins. I was hoping she'd love it this time.

I dashed to my right. The beast spotted me rush right, and took a step towards it's left to crouch, and pounced.

And it fell to the ground with a earth-shaking thud.

It's right foot was caught in the protruding root when it jumped and it tripped and fell!

I took my chance. I dived towards the beast, hunting knife in my hand, and ran the knife through the beast's skull. I pushed and it lodged all the way up to the handle. I could feel the knife go through it's brains like a cleaver goes through mutton.

It howled in pain and struck me with a left backhand. I was flung three yards away from it and I landed on a rock that hit me on my back. I cried out in pain.

I looked at the beast. It rose, shakily. And it stood on it's feet and steadied itself. It was an eerie sight. A beast like it standing in the backdrop of the rays of sunlight filtering in through the trees, with the handle of a knife sticking out of its head. It stood for a moment like that.

And it fell. Like a dry branch hitting the earth. Motionless. Still. Dead.

My strength drained away. I lay flat on my back heaving with relief. I had survived.

I was wrong today. Heroes do exist. They just aren't what we hear stories of, though. They aren't made of steel nor can they fly, nor do they have any super powers. They are normal human beings, like you and me. Heroes exist. And not just in fairy tales.

I am my own Hero.

- Vinaykrishnan.

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