Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am at a loss now. I simply cannot wait anymore. It’s this feeling inside that just grows bigger and bigger. I wish time did speed up a little for now, and then maybe compensate by slowing that at that moment. That moment, I want to see with a magnifying glass. All clear and crystal. Vivid. Lucid.

But I do not know what to do with the time that is given to me now before it does come. I’m now just biding time. Waiting. It seems eternities away. And also seems that eternities have already passed since I have started waiting. Time just endlessly spiralling away.

I just can’t seem to do anything with this period of time that I need to spend before I can actually get to that moment. I have heard the cliché that the moment is always worth all the waiting in the world. But right now, while I’m waiting, I just can’t think good of it too much.

As Frances Anne Kemble so eloquently put it:

What shall I do with all the days and hours
That must be counted before I see your face?
How shall I charm the interval that remains
Between this time, and that sweet time of grace?

- Vinaykrishnan

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